
Showing posts from May, 2021

What is up with this "Hustle Culture" and Materialism glorification?

  Since Covid19 hit I’ve been working from home and it’s been a wonderful experience. My boys are completing Grade 11 via an online private school so we don’t have that early morning stress and rush anymore. They are teenagers so they don’t bother me while I’m working because they are busy with their schoolwork. They also have their PlayStation to keep them occupied and they have chores to do, so I’m very grateful and it’s truly been a blessing. I’m also a very disciplined person so I still get up at 5h30 when my husband leaves for work and I start working at approximately 7h00 every morning. I also go into the office twice or three times a month which is nice because I do miss my colleagues. In recent years I’ve noticed this trend amongst millennials and Gen-Z’s called the “Hustle Culture.” It can basically be defined as, “Work as much and as hard as you can and you will be “successful” and make lots of money.” says this,   “ In a nutshell,  hustle cu...

Going nowhere slowly...not...

This morning I was thinking about my life and felt like I was going nowhere slowly, I felt like I have not achieved much in my 41 years on earth so far.  I don't have an exciting high-flying career and I didn't climb the proverbial corporate ladder. I don't have fame or fortune and I did not discover something world-changing or create a multi-million dollar empire like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Oprah or Bill Gates. I started looking back at my life and I realized it might not seem like much on paper but I've lived a blessed life so far and I have a lot to be grateful for. I don't have a degree but I achieved a National Diploma in Office Management and Technology, Senior Paralegal Diploma, National Certificate in Fitness (Personal Trainer), Indoor Cycling Certificate and most recently Higher Certificate in Information Technology. I gave birth to my amazing twin boys, I married the love of my life, I got to travel overseas at least once so far, I bungee jumped, I skydive...