Embracing the Month of Love: Celebrating Self-Love and Patience

As February unfolds, adorned with hues of red and pink, our hearts naturally gravitate towards the essence of love. Valentine's Day, a day celebrated globally, symbolizes romantic affection, but beyond the traditional notions of love lies a deeper, more profound concept: self-love. Reflecting on my journey, I find myself in a unique position to share the importance of self-love. As a single mom for many years, navigating life's complexities solo, I discovered first-hand the power and significance of cherishing oneself. It wasn't until I reached the age of 38 that I found my soulmate and embarked on the journey of marriage. However, the path to love was paved with lessons in patience, resilience, and most importantly, self-worth. In a society that often glorifies romantic relationships and marriage as the ultimate fulfilment, it's imperative to recognize that being single is not synonymous with being incomplete. Throughout my singlehood, I learned to relish in the ...