Embracing the Month of Love: Celebrating Self-Love and Patience


As February unfolds, adorned with hues of red and pink, our hearts naturally gravitate towards the essence of love. Valentine's Day, a day celebrated globally, symbolizes romantic affection, but beyond the traditional notions of love lies a deeper, more profound concept: self-love.

Reflecting on my journey, I find myself in a unique position to share the importance of self-love. As a single mom for many years, navigating life's complexities solo, I discovered first-hand the power and significance of cherishing oneself. It wasn't until I reached the age of 38 that I found my soulmate and embarked on the journey of marriage. However, the path to love was paved with lessons in patience, resilience, and most importantly, self-worth.

In a society that often glorifies romantic relationships and marriage as the ultimate fulfilment, it's imperative to recognize that being single is not synonymous with being incomplete. Throughout my singlehood, I learned to relish in the beauty of solitude, finding joy in nurturing my twin sons, cultivating friendships, and indulging in my passions, such as running and fitness. I embraced every moment, seizing the opportunity to live life on my terms, unrestrained by societal expectations.

Patience became my guiding principle, teaching me to trust in the timing of my life's journey. I refused to settle for anything less than I deserved simply out of desperation to conform to societal norms. Instead, I embraced my independence, recognizing that my worth was not contingent upon my relationship status. I cultivated a profound love and appreciation for myself, recognizing my strengths, celebrating my victories, and embracing my imperfections.

Marriage, undoubtedly, has brought boundless joy and fulfilment into my life. Yet, I wholeheartedly believe that true happiness stems from within, irrespective of one's relationship status. Whether single or coupled, the journey towards self-love is a lifelong endeavour, rooted in self-awareness, acceptance, and compassion.

This Valentine's Day, let us celebrate the essence of love in all its forms. Let us honour the love we have for ourselves, recognizing that it is the foundation upon which all other relationships flourish. Let us embrace the beauty of singlehood, savouring the freedom to explore, grow, and thrive independently. And let us remember that while being in a loving partnership is a beautiful blessing, being single can be equally enriching and fulfilling.

 As I look back on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for every twist and turn, every triumph and challenge. For it is through embracing my singlehood that I learned to love myself fiercely, paving the way for the profound love and happiness I experience today. May we all embark on our journey of self-love with unwavering courage and boundless compassion, knowing that true love begins with loving oneself.

 Happy Valentine's Day, dear friends. May your hearts be filled with love, both for others and, most importantly, for yourselves.


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