People-Lovers VS People-Pleasers

I wrote this when I originally started blogging in 2016 but then life happened and I stopped. I decided to post it again because this is more relevant in the world today than ever before.

We live in a society where people are lovers of themselves and pastors want to please the people instead of truly loving people. If we truly love people we will tell them the TRUTH no compromise. We have to speak the truth in love, we have to tell them what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear. Pastors don't want to preach the whole Bible and speak the whole truth, they don't want to preach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes topics like persecution, sin, pursuing holiness and going to heaven or hell. They don't want to offend anyone and all they do is tickle people's ears and make them feel good about themselves and this is dangerous! Churches are focused on pleasing people and pointing them to their pastor instead of loving people and pointing them to Jesus.

That is why I felt compelled to share this blog on people-lovers vs people-pleasers, because as the church we are called to love people and please God. People-lovers speak the truth in love even when it offends, people-pleasers compromise in order not to offend. People-lovers are able to confront, people-pleasers can only confirm. People-lovers are not controlled by other people, people-pleasers are. People-lovers fear God, people-pleasers fear other people.

It's easy to be a light when we only talk about the love and blessings of God, but it's not so easy to talk about our sins and God's wrath. We are called to love people and to love God and that means sharing the whole Gospel, let us never forget that. So let us be people-lovers instead of people-pleasers. God bless.


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