
Showing posts from March, 2021

Where is God in all this suffering?

People like to ask the question if there really is a God where is He in all this suffering? Why do bad things happen to "good people" and why do some people starve to death while others prosper? They say there can’t be a God if the world is such a terrible and bad place. The fact is if there was no God then none of this would make sense, all this suffering, crime, abuse and violence would just not make sense. Life would be senseless and hopeless… But think of this for a moment…what if there really is a God? A good God that is there during all this suffering and pain the world is going through. What if the truth is that we live in a fallen world where wicked people are hurting innocent and good people, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and all of this is not God’s fault but man’s. We caused sin to enter the world through Adam and Eve. What if God really has a plan to stop all of this suffering and that His plan is to take all the people who repent of their sins...

People-Lovers VS People-Pleasers

I wrote this when I originally started blogging in 2016 but then life happened and I stopped. I decided to post it again because this is more relevant in the world today than ever before. We live in a society where people are lovers of themselves and pastors want to please the people instead of truly loving people. If we truly love people we will tell them the TRUTH no compromise. We have to speak the truth in love, we have to tell them what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear. Pastors don't want to preach the whole Bible and speak the whole truth, they don't want to preach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes topics like persecution, sin, pursuing holiness and going to heaven or hell. They don't want to offend anyone and all they do is tickle people's ears and make them feel good about themselves and this is dangerous! Churches are focused on pleasing people and pointing them to their pastor instead of loving people and pointing them to Jesus....

7 March 1996, the day my life changed forever

I lost my dad on this day 25 years ago, exactly 3 months after his 41st birthday, he was murdered and it changed me... I grew up in a happy family with a loving mother and father, one younger sister and one older brother. Our family was close, my mom was a housewife and my dad was successful in his career, he travelled a lot but when he was home he was very hands on. We went on family holidays every year and he was a loving and devoted husband to my mom and a loving and caring father to me and my siblings. Life was good. Then on the evening of 7 March 1996 my life changed forever, my dad got sick while he was sleeping, my mom was panicking and this woke us up. We jumped out of bed and ran to their bedroom, my dad was acting strange and he seemed like he didn't know what was going on. Someone phoned the ambulance and they rushed him to hospital but he did not make it...he was poisoned...  I was a 17 year old girl when my dad was taken from us and it broke me, I turned to alcohol, re...

What is happening to the church???

Apologies for this rant but I just needed to share what's on my heart and I'm writing this because I love people. I get so sad, frustrated and I must admit angry when I see all these megachurches and celebrity pastors with their designer clothes and private jets preaching these self-centered and people-centered "sermons" on acquiring possessions, status, fame and achieving worldly success. One can't even call it church anymore, it's resembling cults or motivational conferences. People cheering and applauding these men on stage claiming to be pastors when they are behaving more like performers or motivational speakers. Sometimes they don't even open their Bibles, they "preach" from their own books, or a fellow pastors' book or talk about their lives. The saddest part is millions of people are following these men straight to hell... What is happening to the church? And I must admit I was sucked in by these celebrity pastors too for a while, unt...

Choosing appreciation and celebration over envy and comparison...

This post is actually a note to self... I woke up full of self-pity this morning. A few weeks ago I fixed a leaking pipe on my Ford Ikon, it's a 2011 model and then I was in a car accident on Saturday afternoon. This woman drove into us while we were stopping at a Stop sign. To top it off her drivers licence and car licence are expired so she should not even be driving. What was supposed to be a lovely family day out with my husband and my twin boys turned into in an unpleasant afternoon at the police station and with phone calls to my car insurance, my mom and my parents-in-law. So this morning when I woke up all I could think of was the excess on my car which is close to R5000 which we don't have and definitely did not budget for. And I just made my last car payment to the bank a few months ago!!! I actually owned my car and not the bank and then this happens! Then I made the mistake of scrolling through social media, I happened to come across a post of one of my Facebook fri...

Not another middle-aged mom blogger!

  My name is Rose and I am a 41 year old wife and mom of teenage twin boys. I recently moved from the gang-infested, crime-ridden Cape Flats to the leafy Suburbs of Durbanville in Cape Town, South Africa. I decided to start this blog to share my random thoughts, my experiences, my past and present struggles and my life journey. I expected the move to the Suburbs to be amazing and don't get me wrong it has been but it's also been a culture shock and lonely at times, I miss the sense of community I had in my previous neighbourhood. That's why I decided to start this blog... I hope to connect with other women on similar journeys and would love my writing to be a source of encouragement, laughter, tears, motivation and who knows...even forge new friendships. Life is a blessing but it can also be challenging, lonely and depressing especially with the Covid pandemic so I also want this blog to be a source of hope... Lots of love and blessings...I will be back soon. :-) 💓 BidorBu...