Where is God in all this suffering?

People like to ask the question if there really is a God where is He in all this suffering? Why do bad things happen to "good people" and why do some people starve to death while others prosper? They say there can’t be a God if the world is such a terrible and bad place. The fact is if there was no God then none of this would make sense, all this suffering, crime, abuse and violence would just not make sense. Life would be senseless and hopeless… But think of this for a moment…what if there really is a God? A good God that is there during all this suffering and pain the world is going through. What if the truth is that we live in a fallen world where wicked people are hurting innocent and good people, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and all of this is not God’s fault but man’s. We caused sin to enter the world through Adam and Eve. What if God really has a plan to stop all of this suffering and that His plan is to take all the people who repent of their sins...